Frequently Asked Questions

What are the check-in and check-out times?
Check-in time is 3:00PM, and check-out time is 12:00PM.
We will hold your luggage at the front desk even before check-in time.
Can I use a credit card?
We accept Visa, JCB, Mastercard, American Express, and other major credit cards.
Is there parking?
A free parking lot is available. Please park there.
Where can I have meals?
We provide partitioned dining rooms for each guest room. We also offer room service upon request.
Can you make accommodations for food allergies?
We can replace ingredients you are unable to eat with substitute ingredients.
Please ask when you book reservations.
What time are dinner and breakfast?
Dinner is at 6:00PM or 6:30PM. Breakfast is at 7:30AM,8:00AM or 8:30AM.
We will confirm the times on the day of your stay.
How much do beverages cost at the hotel?
Our hotel uses an all-inclusive system. (A system in which all beverage costs are included in the accommodation cost)
This includes use of the guest room refrigerator, dinner, and breakfast.
Is there Internet access in guest rooms?
All rooms have Wi-Fi access.
You can also borrow an Ethernet cable.
Is the hotel wheelchair accessible?
There are height differences only in the guest room entrance (8cm) and lobby bar, so wheelchairs can be used inside the hotel.
Is there a large public bath?
We do not have a large public bath, but you can enjoy bathing in the bathtub in your room, which is 170cm x 90cm with a capacity of 650L, and filled with natural spring water directly from the source.
What about indoor wear?
We provide loungewear designed by Junko Koshino in your room.
You can wear this loungewear inside the hotel.
Do car navigations systems display the correct location?
Depending on your car navigation system, entering our hotel may not display the correct location.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but if you enter Kaiyo Maru Seinen Center-0139-52-5522, our hotel is next door.
Are there any convenience stores nearby?
There is a Lawson about 5 minutes from Hotel Ryotei Kuki on foot. (Open 24 hours)
How can I get to Hotel Ryotei Kuki?
・ It is about 2 hours from Hakodate Airport by rental car
•about 90 minutes from Hakodate Station by rental car
•or about 2 hours from Hakodate Station by bus.

Additionally, if you come by bus, we will pick you up at the bus stop (Ubagamicho Ferry-mae), so please let us know your arrival time.
(For details, please refer to the transport access page.)
When will I start incurring a cancellation fee?
We begin charging a cancellation fee 5 days before the reservation.
The fee is 50% of the accommodation rate for cancellations 5 days in advance, 60% of the accommodation rate for cancellations 4 days in advance,70% of the accommodation rate for cancellations 3 days in advance,80% of the accommodation rate for 2 days in advance, and 100% of the accommodation rate for 1 day in advance and same day cancellations.
Can children stay?
Please note that from March 1, 2016, children are not allowed to stay at the hotel. (Junior high school students and above can stay)